謝續平教授美國馬里蘭大學College Park分校電機資訊工程系取得碩士及博士學位。目前為國立陽明交通大學資訊工程學系講座教授。曾任亥客書院副院長、交通大學資訊工程學系主任、計算機與網路中心主任、資通安全研究與教學中心主任(TWISC@NCTU)、國家資通安全會報(召集人為行政院副院長)區域聯防中心共同總主持人、行政院研考會電子化政府緊急危機應變中心主持人、中華民國資訊安全學會理事長、總統府國家安全會議、行政院國家資通安全會報、法務部、調查局及國家安全局等政府機關顧問。
謝教授致力於國際學術活動,現任 IEEE Reliability Society Vice President、台北及台南分會主席、IEEE Taipei Section 理事,歷任 IEEE Reliability Society Vice President Technical Activities、同時擔任 IEEE Reliability 總編輯、IEEE Reliability Society Newsletter 總編輯、 ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (資安領域聲譽最高期刊)、IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing、IEEE Transactions on Reliability,Journal of Computer Security(第一個資安領域期刊)、Journal of Information Science and Engineering 及 Journal of Computers 等期刊編輯、與 IEEE Internet Computing 客座編輯。
謝教授曾任中華民國資訊安全學會 (CCISA) 理事長,IEEE RS Fellow Committee member, ACM SIGSAC Award Committee 委員,並組織過許多研討會,如擔任 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing 以及 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security 的 founding Steering Committee(推動委員會)主席、議程主席。致力於可靠度與安全機制設計、網路與系統安全等資訊安全議題的研究,曾與 CMU 教授 Virgil Gligor 共同發明美國第一個 intrusion detection 專利,開創 pattern-oriented intrusion detection 領域,學術著作豐富,發表論文兩百餘篇。
謝教授曾獲得行政院『傑出資訊人才獎』以及中國電機工程師學會「傑出電機工程教授獎」。2003-2004 及 2005-2006 年間擔任 UC Berkeley 的客座教授。陸續獲頒 IEEE Fellow、2017 IEEE Reliability Society Engineer of The Year Award、ACM Distinguished Scientist Award (美國ACM協會傑出科學家獎,為該年度全世界41名獲獎人之一)、2013 ACM SIGSAC 傑出貢獻獎、2015 ACM ASIACCS 傑出貢獻獎,並曾獲得 2013 年交大傑出教學獎,每年僅有少於百分之一的交大教授獲得該教學獎。所領導的大型計畫並獲得 2011 年國科會優良網路通訊國家型研究計畫獎, 2013 年國科會「雲端計算與資訊安全技術」研發專案群體計畫績優團隊獎,並獲選為 2014 年國科會績優計畫獎,並陸續獲得工研院傑出專利獎、中科院「學合案績優計畫獎」。
Shiuhpyng Winston Shieh received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, respectively. He is a University Chair Professor of Computer Science Department .
He has served as the adviser to the National Security Council of Taiwan, the chair of the Department of Computer Science, NCTU, and President of Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA). Being actively involved in IEEE, he has served as EIC of IEEE Reliability Magazine, EIC of RS Newsletter, Reliability Society VP Tech, Editor of IEEE Trans. on Reliability and IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing.
Dr. Shieh has also served as ACM SIGSAC Awards Committee member, Associate Editor of ACM Trans on Information and System Security, Journal of Computer Security, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Journal of Computers, and the guest editor of IEEE Internet Computing, respectively. Furthermore, he has been on the organizing committees of many conferences, such as the founding Steering Committee Chair and Program Chair of ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), Steering Committee Chair of IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing, Program Chair of IEEE Conference on Security and Reliability.
Along with Virgil Gligor of Carnegie Mellon University, he invented the first US patent in the intrusion detection field, and has published 200 technical papers, patents, and books. He is an IEEE Fellow, ACM Distinguished Scientist, IEEE Reliability Society Distinguished Engineer of the Year, and Distinguished Professor of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers. His research interests include system penetration and protection, malware behavior analysis, network and system security. Contact him at ssp@cs.nctu.edu.tw.